

The cozy color of chocolate and coffee. The flattering color that is pushing out the black and greys in my wardrobe. The warmth-filled color of two much loved wooden objects: a Kona wood box and the Winter Kokeshi doll.

Oh, and also the color of my new favorite necklace.

Knitting has been going on but still only on the commute. I’m leaving Thursday on a mini-vacation with my parents and a giant list of THINGS TO DO BEFORE LEAVING (exactly how it sounds in my head) has suddenly sprouted up. So, there has been lots of frantic dashing about happening here of late. Tomorrow, the library, the post office, the bank, a long set of experiments... and black and grey.


Blogger ofpinsandneedles said...

Hmm, a Kona wood box. Does it have a secret drawer? :)

7:48 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

marie, don't buy any more rowanspun! we need to have an intervention! remember that you have 5 unused bags of it at home!

8:58 AM  
Blogger Knittypants said...

These pictures that you have been taking are so soothing and beautiful. I look forward to tomorrows.

11:15 AM  

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