
Booking Through Thursday: Best sellers from 1956

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Jeanne came across this list of previous years' best sellers, and thought it might be fun to base some of our questions on them.

    In 1956, these were the top ten best sellers for the year.

    1. Don't Go Near the Water, William Brinkley
    2. The Last Hurrah, Edwin O'Connor
    3. Peyton Place, Grace Metalious
    4. Auntie Mame, Patrick Dennis
    5. Eloise, Kay Thompson
    6. Andersonville, MacKinlay Kantor
    7. A Certain Smile, Françoise Sagan
    8. The Tribe That Lost Its Head, Nicholas Monsarrat
    9. The Mandarins, Simone de Beauvoir
    10. Boon Island, Kenneth Roberts

  1. Which ones have you read? Did you like them?
    Oh dear…haven’t read a single one of them. Though in my defense, I haven’t read a single one of the current top ten books on New York Times best sellers list either…

  2. If you're like me and haven't read a single one, which ones have you heard of?
    I’ve only heard of Eloise and draw a blank at all the rest. Hmm…starting to feel a bit ignorant here…

  3. Will you be putting any of these books in your reading list?
    I’ve wanted to read Eloise for a while now since the little girl of the Plaza Hotel is a bit of a staple of children’s literature. As for the rest, I will certainly take a look through them at the library and add those I find interesting to my reading list.


Blogger ofpinsandneedles said...

I really liked The Cruel Sea by Nicholas Monsarrat when I was younger. I don't think it's a particularly 'good' book, but an interesting slant on WWII for a teenager. I've never heard of The Tribe That Lost Its Head but it might be worth a look. Maybe a bit soppy, but well-crafted.

And de Beauvoir is definitely on my list. In fact The Mandarins is on my shelf, picked up at a garage sale - as is A Certain Smile, a remnant from one of my parent's book collections. Since I'm supposed to be reading what I have, I guess I'll try it at some point.

I've never heard of any of the others though. Why 1956?

5:31 AM  
Blogger allisonmariecat said...

I loved Eloise! I'm trying to remember if I actually read Peyton Place or not. Maybe I watched a miniseries?

Thank you for sharing the link. It's really interesting to see past best sellers.

1:39 PM  

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