All the colors of the rainbow
When I was a child, I loved bright colors. Red and pink were my favorites and one would have been hard-pressed to find a clothing item of mine that didn’t at least contain one of those colors (since I almost refused to wear anything that didn’t). However, by the time I had finished high school and started college, my one requirement for clothing was to allow me to blend in, or rather, to render me invisible. It is no great surprise then that I wore a great deal of greys and blacks. If there was a dark corner somewhere, I could probably have disappeared into it with the clothes that I wore. My wardrobe would have stagnated in this spartan and gloomy color scheme were it not for the fortuitous fashion trends a handful of years ago that brought back the deep purples and bright, jewel-toned greens. Who can resist the deliciousness of rich plums and brilliant emeralds? I certainly couldn’t and soon found myself acquiring clothing items of (gasp!) actual color. And when I wore them, surprise of all surprises, no one pointed, no one laughed, and no giant beam of stage light appeared to track my every move. It was quite a revelation. Fast-forward a few years and today, the inside of my closet is a veritable rainbow.
So, in a celebration of color, I’m really excited to participate in Lolly’s Project Spectrum . I’m especially happy about March’s colors --- my childhood favorites -- red and pink. For March, then, I will be adding one more project to my needles: the multi-directional scarf in Silk Garden colorway 84, a festive mix of pinks and reds and greens. Yes, I know I complained about not quite liking the colors a few days ago but they are growing on me. Now I am quite looking forward to seeing the skeins knitted up.
In other knitting news, almost everything is at a semi-stand still. Mom’s vest is on hold until I have enough time to go by the LYS to pick up needles of the proper size (why must they close by 6:30pm?).
Pomatomus has made no progress past the first three rows of ribbing due to repeated needle/stitch dropping and subsequent frogging. Klaralund is keeping my stuffed animals company on the armchair while I continue to dither over which edge of the body pieces to sew to the sleeves. The only thing that is progressing at a clip right now is the fiery bolero (here is a wanna-be artsy shot).
Go stockinette stitch.