Speed Knitting

There’s nothing like the ghastly specter of running out of yarn to push me into knitting overdrive. As I progressed along on my impulse-buy-and-cast-on Monkey socks, the rather rapid implosion of the center-pull ball soon became an object of concern and then, of out-right panic. By the time I got to the heel turning, I was convinced that the sad little deflated ball of yarn could not possible contain enough yardage for me to finish the sock. So, what else could I do but knit like a house on fire? (As it is a universally acknowledged fact that if you only believe, the speed of knitting is directly proportional to the amount of yarn remaining.)
So in record time, I now possess one completed and perfectly fitting (Sea) Monkey sock

And, erm, plenty of left-over yarn (shown here relative to the skein destined for the other sock).

Which all just goes to show how true the relationship between knitting speed and yarn yardage is and says nothing whatsoever about my propensity to worry.
Ahem. Right.