Bunny Lace

Now, if only this knitting-in-progress could look like that all the time...
Thank you all for the compliments on the Sea Monkeys! The universe must have felt that an unexpected success with variegated yarn in lace must be balanced by a failure in some other aspect of my knitting. How else can I explain my momentary amnesia regarding angora when I impulsively embarked on some bunny lace? Bunny yarn, as we all know, can attribute its rational-thought-defying qualities of being oh-so-heavenly soft and fluffy and addictive to pet to its inherent fuzziness. You know, the halo comme ça around the yarn.

Lovely, no? Well, that delightful halo also makes the scarf look like this when sans back-lighting...

I think this is beyond even the magical powers of blocking to save. After much grumping and thoughts of frogging (not actually a possibility given the enmeshing abilities of the aforementioned fluff), I think I've finally made my peace with the scarf-to-be*. After all, even if no one else will ever be able to discern even the barest hint of deliberately placed holes, I will at least know that deep down, sandwiched between a double layer of bunny hair, there is lace.
*It helps that the fluff makes the yarn feel so luxurious that it makes me wish for a tubful to roll around nekkid in. Yeah, it's that soft.